Art, Design, Languages, Education and Social Work: Innovations in Theory and Practice

International Scientific-Practical Conference


The aim is to encourage a discussion and dissemination of good practice on the use of the latest technologies and innovation in design, art, language, education and social work studies and professional activities.

The conference is organised by the Faculty of Arts and Education of Kauno kolegija HEI

Interpretation of critical thinking in art
Significance of inclusive methods in the design context
Innovations in language and translation studies
Problems of pre-school and pre-primary education
Relevant issues in the field of social work
Dr Rima Jasnauskaitė, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania), Chairperson
Dr Sigita Saulėnienė, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Dr Aušra Rimkutė-Ganusauskienė, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Dr Algimantas Bagdonas, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Dr Lina Majauskienė, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Dr Raimonda Simanaitienė, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Dr Miglė Munderzbakaitė, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Dr Valentina Demidenko, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Prof. Dr Tija Zirina, University of Latvia (Latvia)
Dr Marijana Prodanovic, Sinergija University (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Dr Rosa Maria Rodríguez Izquierdo, Pablo de Olavide University (Spain)
Milda Rutkauskaitė, Vice Dean for Science and Arts of the Faculty of Arts and Education, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania), Chairperson
Albertas Juodeika, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Education, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Renata Sedliorienė, Vice Dean for Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Education, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Ieva Brazauskaitė-Zubavičienė, Head of the Language Centre, Faculty of Arts and Education, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Lukas Alsys, Head of the Academy of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Education, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Asta Jakimavičienė, Head of the Department of Education, Faculty of Arts and Education, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Nijolė Meškelienė, Head for Studies, Faculty of Arts and Education, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Virginija Kondratavičienė, Head of the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Arts and Education, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Kristina Juodeikienė, International Coordinator, Faculty of Arts and Education, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)
Ainė Jacytė, Communication Specialist, Faculty of Arts and Education, Kauno kolegija HEI
Juozas Dundulis, Lecturer of the Academy of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Education, Kauno kolegija HEI (Lithuania)