Lolita Grabauskienė, Academy of Arts of Kauno kolegija HEI, “Day is Awakening”
Virtual exhibition of visual art and design “Freedom“
In the virtual exhibition of visual art and design “Freedom“, which compliments the international scientific-practical conference “Art, Design, Languages, Education, and Social Work: Innovations in Theory and Practice” (ADLES), artists from Lithuania and Poland present their creations. The spectators are invited to dive into the creative vastness and experience FREEDOM together with the artists.
In paintings, graphics, textiles, and other fine arts, as well as in design, the artists reflect on freedom not only as a fundamental value. They also contemplate the essence of inner freedom and creative freedom.
When creating, an artist cannot detach from the surrounding world because art needs an audience. It needs a dialogue. It requires at least one person to believe in the work of art and hear its message. At the same time, every artist wants to be himself or herself in his or her creation, fully unfold, and open up.
In the virtual exhibition, through their authentic work, the artists reveal to the viewer the vastness of searching together and discovering freedom in everyday life, the surrounding environment, the feelings, and the relationship with others. The freedom that does not demand but gives and does not exclude but accepts.
Exhibition participants: Agnieszka Chrzanowska–Małys, Alvydas Jonaitis, Artūras Rimkevičius, Birutė Šležienė, Eglė Aleknaitė, Indrė Spitrytė, Jolanta Galdikaitė, Kęstutis Vaikšnoras, Laima Numavičė, Linvydas Krivickas, Lolita Grabauskienė, Neringa Šiupinskienė, Ričardas Peleckas, Rolandas Vičys, Sigita Grabliauskaitė, Sigitas Laurinavičius, Ugnė Rudinskaitė, Viktorija Anskaitienė
Curator: Ainė Jacytė, Faculty of Arts and Education of Kauno kolegija HEI
Exhibition design: Juozas Dundulis, Faculty of Arts and Education of Kauno kolegija HEI